Medical District Business Features
The Memphis Medical District Collaborative works to bring new businesses to the District to make it easier to work, stay, and play. We caught up with some of the business which you can read more on, below.
Featured Project: Edge Alley
Edge Alley combines a conventional business enterprise— neighborhood café—with an innovative new idea — incubating several micro-retailers and budding entrepreneurs.
Recognizing the immense potential of their location at 600 Monroe, Edge Alley’s ownership consulted early in their development process with MMDC about how they might realize their vision for this concept.
MMDC was able to provide a pre-development grant that connected the Edge Alley team with a local architecture firm who delivered initial renderings. MMDC also help manage a competitive application process through which entrepreneurs were selected to incubate in one of Edge Alley’s four micro-retail bays. In addition, MMDC worked closely with entrepreneurs to help grow and sustain their businesses.
To learn more about opportunities to start or grow your business in the District, please contact Vonesha Mitchell at