Edge Triangle
In collaboration with Memphis College of Art (MCA), University of Memphis Design Studio (UMDC), the Edge Neighborhood Association, and the Downtown Memphis Commission (DMC), the Memphis Medical District Collaborative (MMDC) repurposed an underused strip of greenspace now known as Edge Triangle.
Today, Edge Triangle is a vibrant space accessible to residents, students, and employees of the Memphis Medical District. On any given day, one might see people taking their dogs to the off-leash area, rearranging moveable seating for lunch, or playing the sound wave instrument.
Improvements were made utilizing a tactical approach and the design thinking process: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Research was conducted to understand and define how the space was initially used and how it could be calibrated to meet the needs of the surrounding area.
Several ideation sessions followed the research phase culminating in a master site plan. The master site plan was presented to the City of Memphis for approval. Following approval, improvements were incorporated into the greenspace in two phases that included community engagement and participation.
Phase I began with site plan execution. With the help of many community volunteers, the team cleaned up the space and created a foundation for upcoming improvements. Meanwhile, features were fabricated, tested, and refined. Adjustments were made as needed and improvements were installed. A grand opening celebrated the Edge Triangle as a neighborhood destination.
Additional improvements were added to Edge Triangle in Phase II following the prototype and test model. Throughout this phase, the team continued working with local artists and fabricators adding features such as signage. These features were intended to help the neighborhood identify with the space. Many of the improvements were tested (test) and later enhanced (invest) in Phase II.
Improvements + Impact to Date
Edge Triangle, Before and After
Off-Leash Dog Area – The fence is embellished with a custom-designed sculptural decoration. In Phase I the fence was installed without design (test) and further enhanced (invest) in Phase II. MMDC commissioned a local artist to design, fabricate, and install the fence enhancements. Artist: Kaleob Elkins
Off-Leash Dog Area Amenities – Two double-gated entrances are available for owners to unleash and leash their dogs away from others. Two dog waste stations are also mounted to steel sign posts.
Signage – Signage for the space is specially designed and strategically placed to mark Edge Triangle’s location. The language on the signage helps connect the space with the larger Medical District.
Trash Receptacles – Placed for convenient trash disposal and recycling.
Moveable Seating – Consists of wooden, rectilinear seats and benches, as well as custom designed wood and metal tables in two distinct shapes. The moveable seating allows visitors to arrange seating to their choosing. Artist: Kaleob Elkins
Landscaping – Includes drought-tolerant perennials to add a low profile covering and enhance the space surrounding the transformer.
Lighting – Four solar-powered lighting poles were installed to increase visibility and safety at night.
Pathways – Designed wide enough for two people to walk side-by-side and navigate the length of the park without leaving the path. ADA accessible sidewalks are located on the perimeter of the space.
Public Art – Several public art projects in and around Edge Triangle which included a transformer mural (Artist: Vyvy Tran, Paul Morquecho), median mural on Madison (Artist: Tawny Armus), and “Tree of Life”, created with bike forks and parts salvaged from the former Memphis Cycle Shop (Artist: Chris Little).
After the majority of the improvements were installed, the team programmed the space for additional placemaking activation. In Fall 2017, MMDC partnered with the Edge Neighborhood Association to host the Edge Triangle’s first “Yappy Hour” where local food, beverages, and desserts were served and neighborhood residents brought their pets. In 2018, MMDC will continue Yappy Hour with a quarterly series.
A special thanks to all partners and volunteers involved in this project.