Mind Your Business Series

In the ever-evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. Small business owners often wear multiple hats, which can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. The MMDC aims to encourage these diverse local entrepreneurs to pursue their business endeavors and help them thrive in Memphis and beyond.

Entrepreneurs all over Memphis are now getting the unique opportunity to hear from the experts at “Mind Your Business,” a new educational platform of classes featuring panels with local Memphis professionals. 

Every month, a panel of experts in their field focuses on crucial subjects that help small business owners and entrepreneurs learn new skills and scale their businesses, positioning them for long-term success. The topics discussed in this year-long series range from business cycle planning, marketing strategies, workforce building, business financials and taxes, and succession planning.

Marques Young is a Financial Advisor who attended his first Mind Your Business class this August. 

“I had some expectations, but this class exceeded my expectations,” Young said. “[The experts] were interested in answering our questions and helping us navigate the nuances of our business.” 

Though classes are limited to an hour and a half, he shared that he walks away from each session with new insights and renewed confidence in the previously made efforts in his business. 

“The most important thing is meeting new people,” Young said. “You get to build your network, establishing a personal relationship with experts so you can ask important questions.”Riko’s Kickin’ Chicken co-owner, Tiffany Wiley, has been attending Mind Your Business since it began this May. She’s built her business in the Medical District and has been looking for ways to grow and sustain it for many years. 

“I’m taking away something new every time I come,” Wiley said. “Today’s class was about HR, and I didn’t realize that many of the questions I asked in the interviewing process [for potential hires] were wrong.” 

Each class has helped reframe Tiffany’s mindset and motivate her to enact the necessary changes to her business model that will help her get to the next level.

“I’ve been working on a new project and applying everything I take from these classes,” Wiley said. “I take notes and record so I can go back and listen to things I may have missed.”

Mind Your Business’s immersive journey empowers Memphis entrepreneurs with expert insights, practical strategies, and a supportive community to help them take their businesses to new heights. These are vital resources and paramount to the health of our city’s ecosystem and what this program nurtures.

Are you a small business owner in the Memphis area ready to take the following steps to grow your business? Sign up for our upcoming Mind Your Business classes here.